How to Retire and Still Have a Great View


How to Retire and Still Have a Great View

Contemplating where you will spend your later years has always been at the top of most bucket lists for those about to retire. Looking out over a peaceful mountain scene, islands off the coast or perhaps finding a friendly leafy suburb with a lovely garden could be more your style. Many of us have always planned for this kind of retired life and that’s because it’s always been the natural thing to do.

Our hopes then become the strategy for future success, it gives us the energy and the ability to endure the many trials and tribulations life keeps throwing at us, however, much depends on a certain level of security for these hopes and dreams to come true. What if things have started to change and we didn’t notice? Doesn’t our security in old age depend on the sensible decisions of those we trust? What exactly should we expect from those in a position of responsibility?

Security is always subjective, it’s an idea that can be defined in different ways but let’s say we believe that: freedom will always exist, and all individuals in our society should be free from undue poverty or want, to be safeguarded if you like, protected from any future despair, that sounds reasonable.

We do, however, depend on our governments and elected leaders for much more, even if we don’t always agree with their policies, we do welcome the idea of our taxes being used to shield us from difficult outside forces. That’s our silent pact that keeps the game going and something we should check on this agreement from time to time.

So the question arises. Why are so many of us feeling the lack of a secure future right now, even if we are lucky enough politically and economically to have all the resources we need to feel secure? It appears the problem we are facing is the very systems that we have created over many generations to keep us protected and comfortable in our 1st world life. That’s odd don’t you think that what should be the right thing has become the wrong path for a happy future? It’s easy to miss the subtleties.

If our developed global systems continue to favour the business economy, privately funded think tanks, the military complex, politics, prisons and justice for the lucky few then how can we make the changes so desperately needed to support the added crisis we now face with Mother Nature shaking everything up, she’s definitely not the enemy here. We are being urged to look the other way.

Guided by big money it’s our current policy leaders who have conveniently forgotten how embedded and utterly dependent we all are on everything that exists around us, the plants, animals and insects, the fresh air, the water we drink, our productive soil and familiar weather, our peaceful retirement.  We must stop this foolishness and understand that we don’t sit atop the great pyramid of Giza like Pharaohs believing we are absolute Gods with everything and everyone hovering miles below us. More than anything this warped view of the world is blocking the outcomes we so desperately wish for in our old age.

There’s a shift coming that could affect every dream we have imagined possible so it’s time to act, silence is supporting the shift and, feelings of despair are not helpful. We can expect any future positive responses to our situation to be more locally resourced, leaning towards self-sufficient communities, helpful places that can focus on what’s needed to survive, certainly not waiting for a Big Brother that will never arrive. It may no longer be the best view that’s important for folks looking to retire in the near future, those views could be a luxury you can no longer afford the way things are going.

Hi, I'm Gary! For me retirement was less about how to spend my time and more about becoming someone new, not trying to do something new, unshackled from normal, absent from habits and not fearful of new opportunities that present themselves.
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