The Psychology of Why We Are So Divided in The World

Psychology Tips

The Psychology of Why We Are So Divided in The World

Hard choices coming up for some retirees – It can be difficult to admit you’re getting older, it creeps up on you from the shadows and before you know it a little darkness starts to seep in. It’s especially hard not to notice this emotion when it turns out to be anger. It doesn’t make sense, retirement shouldn’t be about feeling frustrated, it’s supposed to be special. In quieter moments I ponder where this lifetime of experiences has led me, what insights do I have for my grandchildren and perhaps it’s time to find out what kind of legacy will remain.

Some of the answers lie in the passing of time, it rolls along forcing us older folks to face up to the fact that we are slowly being left behind, and marginalised from various areas of society. Some call this a generation gap but I prefer to call it a difference in values. Patience and endurance were some of the values instilled in my youth, a quick fix was never part of that mix. This is not the grin and bears it, grit your teeth kind of endurance but more the hold steady strategy, particularly when in the midst of any great difficulties, learning not to turn my head just because it doesn’t suit me, leaning more into being curious why I’m upset and how it can lead to appreciation. The secret always lies with our intention, really wanting to know what’s causing the difficulty in the first place and finding out where it comes from.

When I do take the time to look around it’s hard not to see the corporate bullies, the hidden men that sit behind our global economic decisions having an enormously powerful hold over humanity. They understand our tendencies to seek order at any cost, especially when surrounded by manipulated chaos. What’s been getting me into a pickle is that they’re doing such a shitty job of it. If the destruction of our environment is acceptable in their quest, then my mild frustration quickly grows into anger. Our current batch of world leaders believe they can act like gods and get away with it. Hey, I’m just looking for a peaceful retirement and you guys believe the entire world was created exclusively for your own use and in the process, simply disregard the entire planet’s ecosystem and all the biodiversity that keeps us alive. If you are insane enough to believe that you have some kind of exclusive contract with God then it follows you can act without any regard. What a delusion. It’s just a pity for every other living thing on this planet that doesn’t have the same choices. 

“Healing is the end of conflict with yourself”Unknown

Most mindful adults never stop their search for meaning. We tend to seek answers by grabbing hold of that piece of string, following it back to where it all began. Who made me and how come I have to die anyway. Religions reckon this universe is so complex it must have been made by someone. Things exist because there is an intentional design. We conclude that the universe is so damn amazing that somebody must be pulling the strings. Unfortunately, we forget the role we play in all this mess, we forget that we have the power to create heaven or hell right here on this planet. Wondering where the gods hang out and where I have to go to be forgiven is such a cop-out. It’s a shame that many of these themes have become so common to most of the world’s religions and are now embedded into our psyches. This era of foolishness and pretending someone’s coming to save us is fast coming to an end. 

Retirement Options Limited – Above shot – Stormseeker/ Unsplash

Those that speak of god and his mercy and of this great bounty made available to us must have had a complete brain snap lately. Have they really stopped understanding exactly what’s underneath their own feet, it’s called earth and you’re standing on it, everything that sustains our life on this rock lies within it, how could this not be called part of god and unquestionably worth our absolute devotion and attention?

Perhaps that’s half the problem of finding any successful retirement options in today’s world, our emotional intelligence and hearts are missing in action and our sons are on the battlefield. The idea that only some of us will miraculously be rescued in the end comes from a deep dark pit of ignorance. And so the story goes hey,  what’s wrong with a bit of chaos for millions of our brothers and sisters if, in the end, I’ll be fine? Others can be left out in the cold, that must be their fault, right? Our true spiritual values are in danger of fading and the quick-fix culture is now upon us as a deeply fake replacement.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog you will have noticed how our retirement options are being corralled into various elite groups within societies around the world. Most average western populations are offered only hollow words, empty of any benefit and nothing gets delivered in the end. We have entered a world of hollow men. It’s so much easier to consolidate your own power when people are scared and no one has time to look around for the truth. Their truth, of course, is all that counts, my retirement options, limited as they may be, don’t count.

It’s only when our passion for finding our own truth emerges we can begin to discover wisdom, it’s only then our legacy becomes visible and we can carry the banner with conviction, riding our horse into battle, starting anew. It’s time to stop battling ourselves, time to stop fearing the truth that we are all connected to something greater than just me. We need to stop fooling ourselves, we’re not special after all. The real miracle is my incredible luck at being born on this speck of rock floating around the universe in the first place. That’s the miracle.

“Survival can be summed up in three words, never give up”. Bear Grylls

Such questions can give us pause. Today we are speaking about the beginning of true democracy. But until we demand change, we are still stuck in the politics of power. The reason given for most wars is politics, economics or religion but the truth is always rooted in our human hearts, in our very nature. We are the troublemakers, but fearing the truth of that, we turn aside and never learn the lessons. At some point in our aging years, some will get it – if I can refrain from personal misconduct, it helps lift up all those around me. It helps lift up the whole world.

It’s the elderly, the poor and the disenfranchised of the world that is in trouble right now. It is no secret that human beings are divided by the way they think, feel or act, conflict arises so easily when someone opposes our beliefs, but if we get caught up fighting over the small stuff we lose sight of how our lives are on a precarious knife’s edge. We are jeopardising all our futures with our fear and ignorance of what’s happening right in front of us. It’s time to look again.


Hi, I'm Gary! For me retirement was less about how to spend my time and more about becoming someone new, not trying to do something new, unshackled from normal, absent from habits and not fearful of new opportunities that present themselves.
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