With all the craziness going on right now and the pandemic far from being over, launching a blog about how to successfully retire could seem a little strange don’t you think? People are in survival mode learning to cope with physical restrictions, pressure on their incomes, loss of freedoms and much more, but like all things in life this time will pass, our daily routines will slowly return and then we’ll be able to once more dream of better things. So what comes next for you?
I don’t think it at all unreasonable to assume that not all of us will want to return to ‘business as usual’ and for some of us our so-called normal, was already needing a good old fashioned makeover anyway. Retirement however, is just another one of those things we anticipate as life moves along and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that this period of lock-down and Covid-19 has given many of us the time to re-evaluate the importance of our families, our work/life balance, our wider relationships and just how much more time we will dedicate to the way things have been.
There have been many scary moments over the past few months and the emergence of real-life heroes, an amazing string of conspiracy theories each with their own take on who, how, why and where this pandemic began etc… it must be time for us to say enough. The most important thing right now is how we move ahead and get onto planning for a better and brighter future. So maybe, launching my new blog in these crazy times isn’t such a mad idea after all. If you’re looking for a bunch of new ideas, some cool strategies and a way out, then Retiremindfully.com might just fit the bill.
Need more: “read my blog on options post pandemic”