Retirement is about inviting lots of new ideas to your life by nurturing an open mind, that’s how you invite them in.
Why Do People Say They Don’t Want to Retire
The way you think, your mindset, affects every aspect of your life. Your attitudes and the beliefs you hold will reflect every decision you make.
How to Plan for Travel in Retirement
So why then do we get so excited when we speak of travelling. The thought of having a pleasurable experience and feeling free has a powerful pull indeed.
Is the Coronavirus Upsetting Your Retirement Plans
The last thing we need to do at this time is to have a knee-jerk reaction to our financial planning and therefore make choices that could impact on our future…
What’s Next for You – Post Pandemic?
The important thing right now is how we move ahead and get onto planning for a better and brighter future. Looking for new ideas, cool strategies and a way out? …
What’s Behind the Pandemic Curtain
When we speak the word retire it often brings up thoughts of retreat, of abandoning something, but what if it meant forging ahead, gaining some high ground in our battle for happiness….
Should I Take a Sabbatical Before Retirement
There’s no time, there’s no space and where does it all end. For those of us close to retiring or just needing to push the pause button, take a look at why this could be the best approach…
Using Mindfulness When Old Age and Sickness Arrive
The key to remaining positive is preparation, knowing our plans are in place gives us peace of mind that our future is the best we can make it.
How to Deal With Your Emotional Health in Retirement
You’ve probably spent plenty of time dreaming about your golden years in retirement. Here are some tips to manage your transition.
Your Guide to a Sensible Savings Plan – The rule of thirds
I began working on my savings plan about 10 years out from actual retirement, this gave me the head-start I needed to be successfully…